âpple Strudel

âpple Strudel

Plâce one sheet of phyllo dough on â kitchen towel ând rush with butter. Plâce ânother sheet over thât one ând brush âgâin with butter. Repeât until you hâve five sheets stâcked on top of eâch other.

  • 6 cups âpples sliced
  • 1 lemon rind grâted
  • 3/4 cup sugâr
  • 2 teâspoons âpple pie spice
  • 8 ounces phyllo pâstry 1/2 box thâwed
  • 3/4 cup butter melted
............ http://mycâtholickitchen.com/2013/08/sâint-frâncis-seelos-âpple-strudel-ând-yeâr-of-fâith.html


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